The Yellow day: Ένα Φεστιβάλ ειδικά για τους πρόσφυγες που ζουν στην Αθήνα | 27 -29 Σεπτεμβρίου


Το «The Yellow day» είναι ένα τριήμερο πολιτιστικό φεστιβάλ, που επιδιώκει να συγκεντρώσει ανθρώπους απ όλο τον κόσμο και την Ελλάδα,  που ζουν στην Αθήνα και μέσα από  ανθρωπιστικές και περιβαλλοντικές δράσεις να συνεργαστούν, ν΄ ανταλλάξουν απόψεις, να τραγουδήσουν και  να γιορτάσουν αυτή την ποικιλομορφία των πολιτισμών.


Το The Yellow day θα πραγματοποιηθεί στην Σχολή Καλών Τεχνών από 27 έως 29 Σεπτεμβρίου.

Είσοδος Ελεύθερη



15:00 till 20:00 Workshops

20:00 Communal Free Meal:

Friday Mediterranean food – Saturday Middle East – Sunday West Africa

21:30 Theatre

Friday: Dubke Syrian dance – Saturday: Kompostopia – Sunday: Silence Dance performance

22:00 Live Music:

Mc Yinka -Frank Panx & οι Αδερφοφάδες -Third Eye Bizarre- Bandallusia- Valletta Str Project

JUSU FOLI- Kamoos- The Mad Cats – Michael Sebastian -Loom – Cid Carmo -Lazy Kobayashi

Los Hermanos


Social Media Links:

– Our Facebook Event:
– Our Gofundme page:

– Keep up with our Yellow Diary on YouTube to see how we make the 2019 festival a reality:
– Documentary link:


The Yellow Days shows that there is more that unites than divides us. Held in 2017 on the island of Leros, the first instalment of the festival brought together people of 30 different nationalities and cultures, forming enduring friendships between local and refugee attendees, creating powerful solidarity in the midst of climate of division that has fed off a fear of our perceived differences. Beyond this, the festival forged lasting networks on the island, raising €2000 worth of first necessity aid for Pikpa refugee camp and €1000 to the local hospital in Leros. With its greater scope and attendance, the Yellow Days 2019 is focused on making our projects even more impactful and sustainable, while generating funds and larger networks of support for the initiatives we work with directly.



– All guests go free to the festival.

– Free transport is provided for guests between the festival site and their homes.

– All proceeds are donated to relevant local initiatives; our 2017 edition raised £1,000 for

Leros Blood Bank and £2,000 worth of first necessity aid for residents at Pikpa Refugee


– The festival is volunteer-run and charitably funded by two years of events and donation


– Guests and organisers share one free vegetarian meal from different cultures each day;

all participants coming together to bond over nutritious and ethical food is central to the


– Multi-lingual interpreters help to facilitate workshops and talks.

– The festival is family-friendly, with zero tolerance of illegal substances.


In 2016, Yellow Days founder Nina Alonso travelled to the island of Leros to volunteer in Pikpa

refugee camp. As a resident of London’s Harringay Warehouse District, a DIY district filled with

artists and activists, she saw how her home community could contribute towards the wellbeing of

refugees and locals in Leros. The Yellow Days collective formed to do what they do best –

throwing a unique event to bring people together. Following the first festival in 2017, twelve

friends from six nationalities work between three countries to fundraise and organise towards our

2019 festival.


We believe that respect for the planet is vitally connected to respect for fellow human beings. We

see the humanitarian crisis as linked to and mirroring the lack of respect and love that modern

societies have for the environment. By minimising waste and amplifying environmental

awareness at every stage, the festival demonstrates the possibility of a healthier relationship to

the earth. At the 2017 edition, a colourful canopy of repurposed materials inspired eco-crafting

and acted as a talking point on the environment. We are already gathering plastic and cardboard

‘waste’ to upcycle into this year’s festival decoration.

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